Get Hugo and Get Going

John T. Mills
John T. Mills
Get Hugo and Get Going

What's Hugo?

Hugo is a website building framework. What does that mean though? It means you can focus on content, and let hugo wrap your words in elegant code.

Get Hugo:

  1. Using a web browser, navigate to Hugo's website.
  2. Navigate to Getting Started -> Install Hugo -> Binary (Cross Platform) or follow the link here:
  3. The downloads are housed on the Hugo github repository.
  4. In our example here, we will use the Windows archive, but they are all very similar. Download the variation specific to your operation system.
  5. Once downloaded, unpack the archive in a convient place. For Windows I am generating a C:\Hugo\bin directory. example image

Optional: Add the Hugo Folder to the Windows Path Variable

This configuration change is handy for commonly used commands. With this change in place you can run hugo rather than C:\Hugo\bin\hugo.exe.

  1. Click the Search Windows icon.
  2. Type "This PC"
  3. Right click on This PC from the search results and select Properties.
  4. Select Advanced System Properties from the left menu.
  5. Select Environment Variables... from just above the cancel button.
  6. Select the Path User variable from the top panel, and click Edit....
  7. Select New and type your path C:\Hugo\bin in the text area.
  8. Select OK and exit out of the settings windows.
  9. Start a new command prompt with cmd to see the change.

Configure Hugo

Install a new site in your working directory

  1. Open a new command prompt with cmd and change the working directory.
    C:\> cd C:\Hugo
  2. Generate a new site tree.
    C:\> hugo new site myhobbiest
    Congratulations! Your new Hugo site is created in C:\Hugo\myhobbiest.
    Just a few more steps and you're ready to go:
    1. Download a theme into the same-named folder.
       Choose a theme from or
       create your own with the "hugo new theme <THEMENAME>" command.
    2. Perhaps you want to add some content. You can add single files
       with "hugo new <SECTIONNAME>\<FILENAME>.<FORMAT>".
    3. Start the built-in live server via "hugo server".
    Visit for quickstart guide and full documentation.
  3. Examine the new site.
    C:\Hugo>cd myhobbiest
     Volume in drive C is Windows
     Volume Serial Number is 5A0C-A11C
     Directory of C:\Hugo\myhobbiest
    11/24/2020  08:31 AM    <DIR>          .
    11/24/2020  08:31 AM    <DIR>          ..
    11/24/2020  08:31 AM    <DIR>          archetypes
    11/24/2020  08:31 AM                82 config.toml
    11/24/2020  08:31 AM    <DIR>          content
    11/24/2020  08:31 AM    <DIR>          data
    11/24/2020  08:31 AM    <DIR>          layouts
    11/24/2020  08:31 AM    <DIR>          static
    11/24/2020  08:31 AM    <DIR>          themes
                   1 File(s)             82 bytes
                   8 Dir(s)  22,856,654,848 bytes free

Install a Hugo theme

  1. Many themes are available in the Hugo theme library, but in this example we will use Axiom.
  2. Open the Axiom theme page at
  3. Click Download. example image
  4. You will be redirected to the github project. From there select the code download button. example image
  5. Select Download ZIP. example image
  6. Open the zip file.
  7. Select Extract and then select Extract All from the expanded panel. example image
  8. Navigate to C:\Hugo\myhobbiest\themes. example image
  9. Click on Select Folder. example image
  10. Click on Extract. example image

Define the website

  1. Open config.toml in notepad from C:\Hugo\myhobbiest.
    C:\Hugo\myhobbiest> notepad config.toml
  2. Load a default configuration and edit as necessary.
    baseURL = ""
    title = "My Hobbies Blog"
    languageCode = "en-us"
    defaultContentLanguage = "en"
    theme = "axiom-master"
    paginate = 4
    canonifyURLs = false
    summaryLength = 40
    rssLimit = 100
    enableEmoji = true
    enableRobotsTXT = true
    pluralizelisttitles = false
    posts = "/:filename"
    mainSections = ["posts"]
    copyrightYear = 2020
    # Go Reference time: Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST 2006
    dateFormat = "Jan 2, 2006 3:04PM"
    highlight = "dark"
    domain = ""
    email = "info AT myhobbiest DOT com"
    #facebook = ""
    #github = ""
    #instagram = ""
    #linkedin = ""
    #pinterest = ""
    #stackoverflow = ""
    twitter = ""
    rss = ""
    #youtube = ""
    #footer = ["twitter", "rss"]
    #googleAnalyticsId = "UA-901234567-8"
    #googleTagManagerId = ""
    #googleAdsId = ""
    #googleAdsenseId = ""
    ##googleAdsenseAdSlotId = ""
    #googleAdsenseLoad = ""
    #googleAdsConversionId = ""
    #googleAdsConversionValue = 0
    #facebookApp = ""
    #facebookPixel = ""
    #disqusShortname = ""
    #inline = true
    #path = "image/brand/logo.svg"
    width = "2048"
    height = "1024"
    faviconIco = "favicon.ico"
    faviconAlt = "image/brand/favicon.png"
    icon1To1 = "image/brand/icon-1-1.png"
    icon2To1 = "image/brand/icon-2-1.png"
    default = "image/posts/begin.jpg"
    type = ""
    path = ""
    files = []
    provider = "local"
    type = "image"
    #host = ""
    #version = ""
    #image = "image/upload/"
    #raw = "raw/upload/"
    #video = "video/upload/"
    #base = "f_auto,q_auto/"
    #page = "w_auto,dpr_auto,c_scale,f_auto,q_auto/"
    #feature = "w_auto,dpr_auto,c_scale,f_auto,q_auto/"
    #summary = "w_auto,dpr_auto,c_scale,f_auto,q_auto/"
    home = ["HTML", "ATOM"]
    section = ["HTML"]
    taxonomy = ["HTML"]
    taxonomyTerm = ["HTML"]
    name = "ATOM"
    baseName = "feed"
    mediaType = "application/atom+xml"
    suffixes = ["atom"]
    definitionList = false
    footnote = true
    linkify = false
    strikethrough = false
    table = true
    taskList = false
    typographer = false
    unsafe = true
    attribute = false
    codeFences = true
    noClasses = false
    tabWidth = 2
    # lineNos = true
    # lineNumbersInTable = false
    url = "/posts/"
    name = "Posts"
    weight = 1
    url = "/posts/"
    name = "Posts"
    weight = 1
    url = "/about/"
    name = "About"
    weight = 2
    url = "/contact/"
    name = "Contact"
    weight = 3
    url = "/privacy/"
    name = "Privacy"
    weight = 4
    weight = 1
    languageName = "English"
  3. Verify the site is functional.
    C:\Hugo\myhobbiest> hugo server
    Building sites … WARNING: calling IsSet with unsupported type "invalid" (<nil>) will always return false.
                       | EN
      Pages            |  6
      Paginator pages  |  0
      Non-page files   |  0
      Static files     |  0
      Processed images |  0
      Aliases          |  0
      Sitemaps         |  1
      Cleaned          |  0
    Built in 25 ms
    Watching for changes in C:\Hugo\myhobbiest\{archetypes,content,data,layouts,static,themes}
    Watching for config changes in C:\Hugo\myhobbiest\config.toml
    Environment: "development"
    Serving pages from memory
    Running in Fast Render Mode. For full rebuilds on change: hugo server --disableFastRender
    Web Server is available at http://localhost:1313/ (bind address
    Press Ctrl+C to stop
  4. In your web browser, navigate to http://localhost:1313/ and you should see a bare, but functional website. example image


Now you have a website, but there's still a lot of configuration to do before it's ready to be hosted. I'll cover those tasks in detail in a future post.